Video Upload Program

One of the best development tools for any referee is a video analysis of specific plays or entire games. The ABOA Video Upload Portal allows members to upload a short clip (less than 2 minutes) with a specific question and it will be answered by a member of the Education & Evaluation Team, free of charge.

Alternatively, for a fee of $25, a clip of up to 15 minutes may be uploaded for a Partial Game Evaluation. An approved Evaluator will look at a minimum of ten (10) minutes of playing time or one (1) quarter.

Need help to get your games taped or access to game tape?

Bring a friend along and have them tape your game on a camera, smart phone or tablet. Also, many coaches or organizations tape games for player training and development purposes. Try to approach coaches before the game to see if you can have access to the game tape. Don’t forget to take a memory (USB) stick with you to your games for fast and immediate file sharing.

Need help to make video clips once you have game tape? There are a number of free programs available on the internet. We recommend the built-in Windows 10 Video Editor (free), or iMovie for Mac, or Wondershare Filmora X (Windows & Mac).

Option #1 – Instructions:

The video clip submitted must be a single clip only. The entire clip must be 2:00 minutes or less. Add the file. Enter your e-mail address and the enter your name and the specific question you have about the clip.

Upon receipt of your file, it will be reviewed and a summary response will be sent back to the e-mail address provided within four (4) days.

Option #2 – Instructions:

The video clip submitted must be a single clip only. The entire clip must be 15:00 minutes or less. Add the file. Enter your e-mail address and any information relevant you want the Evaluator to know prior to reviewing your video.

Upon receipt of your file, an invoice will be sent to the official, once the invoice is paid, the video will be reviewed and a partial evaluation will be sent back to the e-mail address provided within seven (7) days.


All submitted videos/clips become the sole property of the ABOA.  By uploading a clip, you expressly consent to ABOA utilizing the clip for future training, marketing and/or any other purpose it deems appropriate.  By uploading a clip, you waive any and all copyrights and authorizes the ABOA to edit, re-transmit and/or re-produce the video/clip as it deems appropriate.