Launch of the New ABOA Website


If you are viewing this for the first time, welcome to the new ABOA website.  This website is the culmination of a 10 month project including member input, executive planning, and an analysis of our current and future website needs.  It is designed to be responsive and deliver the information that you need, when you need it.  This version includes a public recruiting page which outlines how members of the public can become an official.  The latest news is designed to be just that – the “latest news”. You will see the most recent posting under this header and have access to the rest with the use of the search function.  An emphasis on our social media continues to be prevalent as this provides real-time information which many viewers find informative and interesting.  A members  section includes relevant items that are specific to our membership: bylaws, administrative items, and a soon to come – referee store.

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