
In accordance with the ABOA bylaws the executive is tasked with the objectives of the association which are: • to represent the interests of basketball officials in the province of Alberta; • to coordinate the programs of all local officials boards; • to recruit and train officials; • to assist in educating other groups interested in basketball; • to promote full enforcement of all rules of the game in both letter and spirit; • to negotiate rates or payment in province-wide leagues, provincial and inter-provincial games and to coordinate payments for such games • to provide local boards with a neutral mediator if requested

The Executive

President – Perry Stothart (EBOA)

The President is responsible for leading meetings of the Association. He/she is an ex-officio member of all committees and is the official representative of the ABOA to all other related organizations. Additionally, he/she is responsible for ensuring that all resolutions or motions passed by the membership or Executive are carried out and that he/she be the Association’s spokesperson to all sport related and unrelated events.


Vice President – Joanna Weigers (CABOA)

The Vice President is responsible for assuming all of the President’s duties in event of his/her absence. He/she must also be prepared to succeed the President in case of their resignation or death. Additionally, they are responsible for addressing grievances between officials, players, coaches, clients, and officials. He/she chairs the Discipline/Grievance Committee, and is responsible for regularly reviewing the bylaws to ensure they satisfy the requirements of the ABOA. Lastly, they chair the Nominating Committee to search for suitable individuals to run for executive positions.

Director of Officiating – Lisa Waschuk (EBOA)

The Director of Officiating is responsible for overseeing the education, training and development pathways of ABOA officials. He/she administers and guides the ABOA Standards of Excellence, while leading and coordinating ABOA performance and assessment strategy. He/she allocates the framework for all ABOA assignments and supervise their delivery. This position supports and maintains the records for the NOCP program. Finally, they oversee the annual accreditation exam and represent the ABOA to national bodies and organizations.

Director of Education – Kelsey Kisilevich (VBOA)

The Director of Education delivers all of the ABOA’s educational program and materials. He/She liases with the local board and national education contacts and assist in the writing of the annual accreditation exam.

*The Director of Education is an appointed position.


Director of Performance and Assessment – Grant Hoe (CBOA)

The Director of Performance and Assessment serves in an advisory role while managing the ABOA performance and assessment goals. He/she trains-and-coordinates ABOA assigners, evaluators, and observers from across the province. He/she serves as the chair of the Assignment/Evaluation Committee and oversee the selection and recommendation of ABOA officials to provincial and national tournament selections which fall under ABOA jurisdiction. This Director assigns all tournament commissioners and also represents the ABOA to national organizations.

*The Director of Performance and Assessment is an appointed position.


Director of Finance – Kevin Hamel

The Director of Finance is responsible for keeping the financial records of the Association in order. He/she ensures the payment of the bills approved by the Executive, present financial statements to the Executive and shall also present the audited financial statement to the Association at the Annual General Meeting. He/she is responsible for ensuring that funds are used in accordance with any spending restrictions and act as a consultant in establishing the yearly budget. He/she ensures that the annual audit of the Association is carried out and is responsible for undertaking any reasonable duties the Executive may request of him/her.

Director of Administration – Amber Fehr (LBOA)

The Director of Administrations is responsible for working with the President to develop and distribute meeting Agendas. He/she also takes and distributes the minutes of all meetings of the Association. Additionally, they are responsible for maintaining all officials records and correspondence of the ABOA. If required, they are also responsible for undertaking any reasonable duties the Executive may request of him/her.

*The Director of Administration is an appointed position.

Director of Member Services and Events – Rhys Hakstol (SABOA)

This position serves an advisory position to the executive, while promoting ABOA services to membership and other stakeholders. The Member Services and Events director handles event logistics for ABOA events, facilitates member engagement, and manages recruitment and retention of officials.


Director of Communication and Technology – Steve Kabachia (CBOA)

The Director of Communication and Technology serves in an advisory capacity to the executive and is responsible for preparing, executing, and delivering communications to ABOA stakeholders. This position is responsible for utilizing and maintaining technology, including, social media and the ABOA website.

*The Director of Communication and Technology is an appointed position.

Ryley Kerrison

ABOA Assignor – Ryley Kerrison (CBOA)

The Assignor serves in an advisory position to the executive. This position is responsible for assigning all Alberta College Athletic Conference (ACAC) officials under the prescribed framework. They are responsible for billing and reporting to the Director of Finance.

*The Assignor is an appointed position.