The National Officials Certification Program (NOCP) is a cooperative effort between the local provincial associations and the Canada Basketball Officials Commission (CBOC) and aims to assist in the education, development and standardization of evaluation criteria used to measure with consistency across Canada the proficiency expected for each level within the program.
ABOA, as a member of CBOC, is supportive of the NOCP and will adhere to its framework. Although certification is not a requirement to officiate at the entry level, it is a requirement at the intermediate, senior and elite levels and officials are strongly encouraged to become certified.
National Officials Certification Program
The National Officials Certification Program (NOCP) is a cooperative effort between Canada Basketball and the Canadian Basketball Officials Commission (CBOC).
Log into your Gameplan account to see upcoming training opportunities for NOCP Level 1 and Level 2
Upcoming Local Clinics
Our local board map shows you how to contact a local board. They can assist you with finding information about their upcoming clinics.